
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome to the Classroom

Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of the internet, a small group of sophisticated young men decided that the world was severely lacking. They could have done any number of things to fix that, say, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or planting a tree, or helping build wells in developing nations. They decided all of those were too much work, and decided to write a blog instead.

Or at least that's what I'm assuming happened, since I wasn't there. I was too busy saving a bus full of orphans from a freak bear attack, as us Californians are wont to do. What can I say? We like our orphans alive and our bear steaks.

And so, our small circle of classy dudes had reached the conclusion that we had way too much class. It was only fair that we share it with the rest of the world. From each according to his ability, and to each according to his need. And according to our abilities combined:

John Hunt: Resident Briton and commenter on all things British from his pleasant little Johnny's Shop of British Curiosities. From meatpies to Buckingham Palace, cockney flower-girls to the Beatles, John covers it all, and with a delightful accent to boot. Of course, you'll have to imagine it, but I'm sure his imagined accent is a lot classier than his actual one anyway.

William Rogue: Is apparently talking about society and politics, though he's not entirely sure yet. Make note of that, kids. That's some veiled commentary right there. Make sure you're ready, because we're in for some Class Conflict.

Michael Maddox: Of Red Wings and Things, will cover the Detroit Red Wings. And sometimes other things related to hockey. Also, for some reason, style tips. Because you should look to hockey fans to tell you how to dress.

Joseph Grace: Is a pretentious little hipster. In fact, he's such a hipster, he wears a Mao shirt instead of a Che one. He's just the kind of person you want telling you what music to listen to. Tune into Modest Mao's Music Mix: the best music you've never heard of.

And rounding it off, Ryan Koyanagi: Your guide to classy art in the modern entertainment industries. Because when you sift through piles of crap, there's always some diamonds in the rough. Who needs the classics, when there's Art in Unexpected Places?

So, here you have it. By our powers combined, we are Pretension - the gift that tut-tuts all other gifts.

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